Computers as Catalysts for Humanizing the Learning Experience
This TED Talks Video by Salman Khan is perhaps the most compelling case for technology-assisted learning, peer-to-peer learning and learning communities (and by extension, communities of practice) that I’ve ever seen. In fact, educational philanthropist Bill Gates liked Khan’s idea so much, he invested 1.5 million dollars into it. This 20 minute video is truly inspiring and…
Online Gaming and Social Media: Everyone Is Doing It and So Should You
The big news in my RSS reader this morning was the Nielsen Report that Internet users, more specifically American ones, prefer online gaming and socializing to e-mail. Some of the headlines regarding this news called for a crackdown by American businesses to protect their bottom line from employees abusing the Internet. This has merit…
5 Ways to Use Social Media for Professional Development
It is interesting to see Byrony Taylor’s take on how to use social media for professional development. I personally don’t listen to podcasts (number 3) but I do all the others most definitely. I would add that I also use Amplify, Twitter and LinkedIn as professional development tools. Be part of an online community Attend…
Are We Using the Term Social Learning too Loosely?
I’m glad that the always thought-provoking Janet brought this up. There comes a time when we need to really look at what the activity of learning really is. It is nice to find a new model every day that explains what X might be but unless we are truly analysing these models, implementing them, testing…
The Importance of Learning in Talent Management Strategy
Cornerstone OnDemand has published a new white paper titled “Failing to Learn: Why Learning is Critical to Strategic Talent Management.” Focussed on best practices, the paper addresses how learning is essential for: Onboarding: Avoid making new hires sink or swim in your organization. Performance: Develop employees in the middle, not just high and low performers.…
How Social Media, Organizational Dynamics and Social Change will Shape Communities of Practice over The Next 10 Years
Social Media has changes many things, including the way experts envisage online communities of practice. The following is Cormac Heron’s account of leading author and expert Richard McDermott’s reflections on how Communities of Practice have evolved and where they are headed. Richard McDermott was there to give a bit of his background in personal and…
A Qualitative Study of Five Authors of Five Blogs on Training and Development
A qualitative study of five authors of five blogs on training and development is my thesis which was defended on August 26 2008 and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts (Educational Technology), Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Abstract This study analyzed what it means to be a…
You Just Might Digg This!
What makes a blogger credible? What gives them authority? How do we measure their success? In a blog post entitled Blog Metrics: Six Recommendations For Measuring Your Success, Avinash Kaushik, a Web Analytics Practitioner, writes about 6 ways to measure the impact of your blog. In summary, they are: Raw Author Contribution Holistic Audience Growth…
Defining the Consultant 2.0
A recent post entitled Dream to Reality: How I Quit My Day Job by Tina Su made me reflect on the evolution of my career vocation as well as life after the graduation—my thesis defence is tomorrow at noon. I have no plans to quite my day job any time soon. But I do want…
Visualizing the Transition from Learning 1.0 to Learning 2.0
On the wiki page devoted to VizThink’s Visual Learning Group, Brent Schlenker asked others represent the transition from Learning 1.0 to Learning 2.0. I contacted Brent a few weeks ago, manifesting my interest to participate. I’ve got something brewing… Peter Stoyko has already come up with an information graphic. It focuses on how social media/Web…