Social Networks for Lifelong Learners
Jeff Cobb recommends 20 social networks for lifelong learners. He states that: When most people think of social networks, they think of Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, or similar sites, but there are many other types of social networks popping up on the web. Some of the fastest growing networks are designed specifically for education. These sites…
Incorporating Social Learning into an Enterprise Learning Strategy
Thought provoking blog post by Tony Karrer tying together various view points on how social learning can tie into the larger enterprise learning perspective. Where do Social Learning Tools belong? Should they be coupled with your LMS or other learning-specific tools? Or should they be separated? Or ???? We are talking about how formal…
Are We Using the Term Social Learning too Loosely?
I’m glad that the always thought-provoking Janet brought this up. There comes a time when we need to really look at what the activity of learning really is. It is nice to find a new model every day that explains what X might be but unless we are truly analysing these models, implementing them, testing…
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What makes a blogger credible? What gives them authority? How do we measure their success? In a blog post entitled Blog Metrics: Six Recommendations For Measuring Your Success, Avinash Kaushik, a Web Analytics Practitioner, writes about 6 ways to measure the impact of your blog. In summary, they are: Raw Author Contribution Holistic Audience Growth…
Visualizing the Transition from Learning 1.0 to Learning 2.0
On the wiki page devoted to VizThink’s Visual Learning Group, Brent Schlenker asked others represent the transition from Learning 1.0 to Learning 2.0. I contacted Brent a few weeks ago, manifesting my interest to participate. I’ve got something brewing… Peter Stoyko has already come up with an information graphic. It focuses on how social media/Web…