CSTD Quebec Chapter Book Debate: Training Professionals who Blog
(Republished from The CSTD Website) CSTD Québec is proud to announce the launching of its book club: a new series of events where we invite a distinguished author to deliver a brief presentation of their book that discusses hot topics that have a tremendous impact on the T&D industry. We then open the floor to…
Who Else is Working On What I’m Working On?
Yesterday, I blogged about the use of microblogging to improve productivity in an organization. Today, I focus on microblogging to improve connectivity within an organization. In a recent blog post about using a microblogging application such as Yammer for communities of practice and knowledge management practices, Renata Gorman writes: This feeling of connectedness creates more…
Filters to Avoid Being Flooded by a Wave of Content
When I was approached two weeks ago to be part of the Workplace Learning Today team, I was both flattered and thrilled to take on a new challenge. In preparation for delivering weekly insights, I decided to do a major cleanup of my Google Reader Feeds. And before I knew it, the wave of content…
Optimal KM: Distinguishing Know-What from Know-How
Great comprehensive piece by John Tropea on making the clear distinction between informal information management and knowledge management. It is a call to push current knowledge management practices further. My thinking is that just the sharing aspect of informal stuff is “know-what”, this is what KM has been about, but we need to go further…
Personal Knowledge Management: Cognitive Processing of Info for Innovation
While I have focused most of my research on Communities of Practice and Collective Expertise, I see a necessary co-existence of both these principles in order to ensure the most optimal results in advancing knowledge and practice. We can seek out (aggregate) all the sources of information on any subject and share them with the…