Reading Breeds Success
“I wish I had more time to read.” Do you find yourself saying the above? I definitely do. It seems that when I make the time to pick up an article, a book, anything, I become engrossed in it and can’t put it down. Though conversations and interactions have the power of being enlightened, nothing…
Getting Ideas Off the Ground
In yesterday’s blog post, I wrote about how one must work at becoming successful, presenting Doug Belshaw’s reflections. Rosabeth Moss Kanter made a post along the same lines that presents five powers that successfully get ideas of the ground, which are: Showing up: the importance of being there in person. Speaking up: the framing the…
Successful People Work at Being Successful
Doug Belshaw wrote a great reflection piece yesterday on the qualities of being successful. Talent doesn’t make you successful because talent is just a word which sums up three different character traits. These can all be developed; they’re not ‘innate’. People who are successful tend to be: Confident Tenacious Articulate I quite like Doug’s perspective…