Extreme Productivity: Secrets of a Very Busy Man
Justin Fox interviews Bob Pozen, senior lecturer at Harvard Business School and author for HBR and HBR Blogs, who shares with us his tips and trips for being more productivity in and HBR IdeaCast. The following are the key points discussed: Focus on results, not on time spent. For a long time, and perhaps still…
Tips to Not Suck as A Presenter
A few months ago, I wrote a post on Tips to Stop Sucking at PowerPoint. But as we all know, you may have the snazziest presentation on the block, but you’re only half-way there. You, yourself, have to bring your A game. In other words, you have to offer the total package. Clive Shepherd shares…
Dressing the Part: A Strategic Skill for Individuals and Organizations
When providing training and information to new and existing employees, ideally, we’ll focus on providing them the requisite tools for optimal performance in their jobs. But how much emphasis is there set on how the employee appearing polished, proficient, and professional? In her article focussing specifically on organizations and dress codes, Sylvia Ann Hewlett describes…
Which Content Curation Tool is Right for You?
Managing all the content that comes at us can get overwhelming. We can set up systems to tag, categorize, filter, sort, organize and essentially manage content at various levels. And once we’ve sifted through all the content that is sent to us, and we’ve decided what it is that we want to share, how do…
2011 Resolution Reality Check
As I gleaned my Google Reader for interesting things to report to the Workplace Learning Today readers, I noticed a few predictable patterns in early January posts. I found could classify about 50% of the blog posts I surveyed into 3 categories: the past year in review, predictions for the new year and of course,…
Rules and Incentives are not a Substitute for Practical Wisdom
In a recently posted Talk on Ted, Barry Schwartz shares his reflections and finding on the power of virtue, or what Aristotle called practical wisdom, and how it is the key element required for real change and the betterment of our society. Through poignant examples, he demonstrates how in today’s society, the change agents must…
Dare To Be Unrealistic
Jacob Sokol asked the following question to 48 online experts: What is the most “unrealistic” thing that you’ve ever accomplished and what did you learn from the process? I highly recommend reading through the whole post but here are a few of the most inspiring highlights for me: When you choose the “unrealistic” choice every…
Reading Breeds Success
“I wish I had more time to read.” Do you find yourself saying the above? I definitely do. It seems that when I make the time to pick up an article, a book, anything, I become engrossed in it and can’t put it down. Though conversations and interactions have the power of being enlightened, nothing…
Getting Ideas Off the Ground
In yesterday’s blog post, I wrote about how one must work at becoming successful, presenting Doug Belshaw’s reflections. Rosabeth Moss Kanter made a post along the same lines that presents five powers that successfully get ideas of the ground, which are: Showing up: the importance of being there in person. Speaking up: the framing the…